Monday, August 8, 2011

For the People, By the--Potato Chip?

Usually when one thinks of the negative aspects of junk food, the potato chip is one of the main culprits. However, instead of casting scowls of disappointment and disgust at this innocent little fried spud, we need to take the time to recognize that it has been going through a bit of a progressive makeover during the past decade. The potato chip and other salty snack foods are going through a transformation, thanks to Frito Lay. Yes, that same Frito Lay that was referred to as greasy in those old Pringles commercials (  Frito Lay has been on the front lines of changing the perception and composition of the potato chip and other snacks, by making them healthier and tastier for the consumer.

Frito Lay prides itself on doing right by and for people. Its promise on the Frito Lay website states: “It’s the belief that we can all benefit from doing good. From supporting local farmers, to investing in sustainability efforts, to going the extra mile to use the highest quality ingredients, we think the small steps we take today can make a big difference tomorrow.[i] Through recent product changes and marketing efforts, Frito Lay’s progressive change has people taking notice of its attitudes and beliefs. Various business-oriented publications and consumers have Pepsi Co, Frito Lay’s corporate parent, rated as one of the most proactive in focusing on products that benefit the consumer, while also aiding the environment.

As you may have read from my previous blog entry about Domino’s Pizza, I truly appreciate major companies that listen to their consumers and do everything in their power to make a better product. Frito Lay is another one of those companies. The potato chip and snack giant has focused on eliminating artificial ingredients, improving taste and reducing fat to create a better tasting, yet healthier product.

Let’s be serious, America is full of overweight people. I’m not proud of it, but it’s a fact; we’re a fat country. According to a Deloitte survey, 31% of respondents said that “over-processed food” was among their top concerns about food[ii]. Frito Lay has input and begun execution on a plan to eliminate artificial ingredients from its products. Currently, over fifty percent of Frito Lay products are all-natural; this meaning they are made from corn or potatoes, healthier natural oils, natural spices and seasonings and nothing artificial. Furthermore, it has even started offering gluten-free options for a variety of their chips. For those of you wondering what “gluten” is, feel free to learn about it and every single ingredient in Frito Lay products on its website ( Here’s another “fun fact of the day”, compliments of yet another Deloitte survey, 55% of consumers understand less than half of the ingredients in the food they eat[iii]. The fact that Frito Lay not only lists the ingredients in its products, but also explains how they pertain to the food and the consumer, demonstrates that it’s hiding nothing and is proud of its products—Psst, that’s a good sign for us[iv]. Plus, all of this is a win-win for Frito Lay and consumers: by making the snacks healthier, consumers won't feel so guilty for eating them, so they'll eat more. While on the other hand, Frito Lay profits from the increased consumption. I like to call it "Guilt-free snacking".

UPDATE (8/10/2011): Monday, I had the pleasure of speaking with Cheryl Cerminara, VP of Talent for Frito Lay, who is very engaging and informative woman. I learned about some of the processes that Frito Lay uses to ensure healthiness of its products. One in particular focuses on salt/sodium levels and the manipulation of salt crystals so that the salty flavor remains, but that the sodium in a couple slices of bread from a sandwich would be greater than in some of Frito Lay’s chips. Very cool. Thanks Ms. Cerminara.

Next, on to that place that we call home—Earth. Frito Lay is also taking progressive action to preserve this rock for future generations through the utilization of its sustainability program. Frito Lay’s motto regarding the planet and environment is: “In order to make the best snacks on earth, we need to protect the earth. So we’ve committed to making sustainable products…[v] Whether it’s using solar power to help make Sun Chips, recycling water to grow ingredients, minimizing waste or reducing greenhouse gases and emissions, Frito Lay is dedicated to improving the environment and the processes used to create these delicious snacks.  Sun Chips even switched over to a compostable bag[vi]. For those of you playing at home, it means it’s essentially biodegradable and after a certain period of time, you won’t see it lying by the side of a highway. Pretty cool, huh?

As much as I love Chester the Cheetah, Cheeto’s mascot, Frito Lay should think about changing their mascot to one of my favorite childhood superheroes—one that happens to get overlooked more than he should—Captain Planet*. All kidding aside, it’s fantastic to see an industry leader taking proactive steps that not only benefits the people that consume them but also the environment that produces them.

*Frito Lay, I wasn’t kidding about Captain Planet, seriously consider it…

[i] "Our Promise : | Frito-Lay." Smart Snacking Products & Healthy Choices by Frito-Lay: Healthy Choices, Fun Snacks, Kids Snacks.. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Aug. 2011.
[ii] Warner, Melanie. "Why Frito-Lay’s Move Towards “Clean Labels” Is Smart Marketing." N.p., 4 June 2010. Web. 1 Aug. 2011.
[iii] Warner, Melanie. "Why Frito-Lay’s Move Towards “Clean Labels” Is Smart Marketing." N.p., 4 June 2010. Web. 1 Aug. 2011.
[iv] "Explaining Ingredients | Frito-Lay." Smart Snacking Products & Healthy Choices by Frito-Lay: Healthy Choices, Fun Snacks, Kids Snacks. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Aug. 2011.
[v] "Sustainability of our Environment through Emissions Reduction, Energy Conservation, Water Conservation & Waste Recycling | Frito-Lay." Smart Snacking Products & Healthy Choices by Frito-Lay: Healthy Choices, Fun Snacks, Kids Snacks. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Aug. 2011.
[vi] Wills, Amanda. "New Sun Chips Bag is Less Noisy, Still Compostable -" - Find Recycling Centers and Learn How To Recycle. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Aug. 2011.

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